Once plighted, no men would go whoring,
They'd stay with the one they adore,
If women were half as alluring
After the act as before!- Ancient Greek Anthology
Man: My wife turns into a major bitch on occasion the morning after a night of really great sex. I'm talking multiple orgasms and a 2-3-hour session. And the next morning I am the anti-Christ!Woman: This happens to me, too! I wake up in the morning after a great night with my dear husband and feel like the bitch from hell sometimes . . . really irritable and moody. Normally I'm a very evenkeel kind of gal. Things feel better when orgasms are more spread out. I have personally noticed a significant decrease in my attraction and warm fuzzy feelings toward my spouse when the "O" is on a constant, regular basis.
An eye-opener about sex, orgasm, and love. Really a must read for those who wonder why attraction falls after orgasm. Knowlege of the Hidden Cycle of Orgasm is a key to love, relationships, balance, better sex, and marriage. Great research from Marnia Robinson.